Tuesday 18 July 2017


Here I am, standing in front of a crossroad once again. With different paths set out for me, I am still not sure which path to take. Even though it is time for me to transition into the next phase of my life, I am still not ready. I am worried, uncertain and full of doubts. Everyday I will ponder and ask myself if this is the right path for me but I got no answers. The naive me in the past thought that I could venture into the career path of being a food research scientist. However, my results could not attain a spot in the stringent and popular course of study (FST) at NUS. I had no choice but to accept the offer to study Chemistry at the same university.

It then dawned upon me that life doesn't go the way we want sometimes. We don't always get our preferred choice but we can determine our attitude towards it. As long as we are still living, there are many opportunities to seek and experiences to gain. Who might know that I could discover another interest or passion along this path?

Credits to the owner of the picture above.

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