Saturday 31 August 2019

Love Yourself?

"Find something good about yourself and learn how to love yourself"

How do I even find something good about myself when all I see are my flaws? First of all, who am I even to begin with? Even though I have been alive for 22 years, I still can't find the words to describe myself. I am so full of uncertainties and doubts that my life just comes to a standstill. I find myself stuck at the same place unable to move forward. I don't know what to do nor what i want to do. Standing in front of a crossroad... not knowing which path to take.

Everyday repeats and I continue with my own boring routine. Sleep, eat and breathe. I look forward to sleeping everyday so that time will pass faster. I want to get out of this cycle but something keeps dragging me behind. It is so difficult to find your meaning and purpose in life. People say that you are the leader of your own life. How do I even take charge of my life when I have no direction to guide me?

It is only until recently that I kind of found my way. Even though my dream is still vague and hard to reach, it still serves as a small compass in my life. I realised it is okay to not have any direction, dream or motivation. It is okay to stumble, fall and make mistakes as long as you keep getting back up. Life is not a straight and smooth path. It is a long and tedious journey. No one can predict what the future holds and things might not turn out the way you want it to be.

In this fast paced world, you may feel that everyone around you seem to have some direction and goal. They are so ahead of you that you feel that you are lagging behind. The thing is that everyone has their own pace. Life is not about comparing yourself with others. Everyone has their own journey and path to take. So its okay to take things slow and everything will gradually start to fall in place. 

Even though everyone's path is different, we are bound to cross each other's paths one day. We may walk together or go our separate ways. However, you are not alone in this world.

Although I don't know your problems and situations, I will pray for you. I won't assure you that everything will be fine but things will get better if you believe that it will be. Whatever you are experiencing now, whether is it good or bad, it will pass. Life has to carry on.

Starting to love yourself is difficult but remember that your flaws are part of you and not whole of you. Only by accepting who you really are, then you will slowly learn how to hate yourself less and love yourself more.


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